High School Algebra

Dodge Renaissance Academy currently offers High School Algebra I for Middle Grade Students, a class that forms a bridge for our exceptional 8th Grade students from middle school mathematics to the strenuous challenges of high school math. This program is a growing initiative in the Chicago Public Schools, one that is aimed to increase the number of children who enter high school with a strong background in Algebra. Nationwide, 34% of incoming high school freshman have taken an Algebra course. In CPS, that number is just 7%. Using a rigorous and research-driven curriculum from Carnegie Learning which combines realistic contexts, technology-based tutoring and strict alignment to national and state standards, our Algebra students at Dodge are preparing to earn advanced placement in high school through this program.

Currently, the program has 15 students enrolled, who meet daily for 90 minutes. Their placement in this program is based on several factors which indicate they are prepared for the rigor of 9th Grade math, including previous standardized test scores, a past record of hard work in their 7th Grade classrooms, and a commitment of support from parents.